This quarter, I only take one class, a required course for my major.

,which is  "foundations and principles of curriculum development".

The professor is a educational celebrity, multiculture expert, Geneva.

Yesterday, I've done a big group presentation for this class, and we are the pioneer group.

I think we totally rocked the presentation.

One of my group member said to Geneva, "thanks for bearing my language deficiency, I was so nervous at that time"

(She is a first year master student who comes from Taiwan as well,

actually I think she did really well in her part of presenting).

Another member(White) said to us "I think it's not easy for you two who are not Americans to do the historical curriculum,

b/c you know limited things about historical events happened in United states."

Geneva encouraged we two "Taiwaneses" as well,

she said" I think you guys really did a great job of the presentation,

Americans may not present the American history as thoroughly as you two, you should be proud of what you did"  

And we got 4.0++++.....from that presentation. BRAVO!

I think b/c Geneva is a multiculture expert, she really knows what's the difficulity for non-white students.

Of course,we did pay much effort to this work.

And for the rest of class, we can relax and hear other groups presenting.

Many thanks to you, professor Geneva.



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