Mar 20 21, 2009 after almost nine years, I'm finally back to Victoria again

which is a place I dreamed to spend my retired life.

20號早上一大早就起床 前往 Vancouver的 Tsawwassen準備搭9點的BC Ferries前往Vancouver island

Note:(Victoria is in Vancouver island, which is a capitoal city of BC province)

溫哥華島是加拿大西岸最大的島嶼, 面積大約跟台灣差不多!



Ferry的規模實在是非常大...總共有六層樓!!!船上還有buffet可以吃 還附設小朋友的遊戲區 gift shop

於是uncle auntie Franky and I 就像逛大觀園般的在船上探險 拍照

終於過了約兩小時後 抵達vicotira,於是我們便驅車前往我們居住的民宿


ike 省議會大樓 (Parliament Building) 帝后城堡飯店 (the fairmont empress) Craigdrroch Castle, Butchart Gradens, U of Vic, rtc.

中途開車經過Marina港口邊,遇見一家上報的餐廳 當然二話不說進去大快朵頤

吃完中餐後 在港口邊預見Wild Seal 野生海豹 模樣非常之口愛


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接著就到著名的Vitoria的landmark省議廳去參觀 運氣不錯的我們還遇上導覽

It was built in 1898  是各非常典型的維多利亞式建築 每到晚上會有3333顆燈齊放 實在是非常之壯觀



晚上到 Victoria的downtown去晃晃 位於溫哥華島南端的維多利亞, 是卑詩省的省會, 為加拿大西岸最古老的城市

長久以來因深受歐洲文明的洗禮, 不論在建築, 文化, 風俗習慣上,都very British 

整個城市彌漫著優雅的英國風采, 讓人彷彿置身在英國街頭. 

第二天一早先到university of Victoria 去參觀


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不知道是校內櫻花還沒開的關係 還是學校放春假缺乏人氣 

整個校園看起來灰灰暗暗的 不美

不是我愛老王賣瓜 我真的覺得UW是我心目中最美的校園

之後又去所謂的"Victoria's legendary landmark- Craigdarroch Castle"


This Castle was built between 1887-1890 fr Robert Dunsmuir, who is the wealthiest man in BC

He died just months before Castle was completed.

He left his entire estate to his wife, Joan, who live in the Csatle until her death in 1908.

The Castle speaks of the lifestyles of the very rih at the end of 19th century.

After lunch, we went to "the Butchart Gardens", bloom over 100 years


Maybe  is not the right time to visit Butchart Gardens at the end of Mar

Cuz spring in Northwest is not coming yet,

Not too many flowers in bloom...a little bit pity!!!

After visiting "The Butchart Gardens", we back to Swartz bay to take Ferry back to Vancouver ,

and for dinner, we had aunties homemade beef noodle soup.....yammy!!!

就醬~~~結束了兩天一夜的victoria trip....

總算再一次看到另我念念不忘的Empress hotel...以及在次感受在港邊散步那種輕鬆愜意的fu!!!

I love Victoria....




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